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Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container

Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container
  • Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container
  • Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container
  • Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container Sæplast 400 Insulated Fish, Meat and Recycling Container

Optymalne do utrzymania temperatury

Optymalne pod względem trwałości i wytrzymałości

Wymiary zewnętrzneWymiary wewnętrzne
L120 cm111-113 cm
W100 cm92-94 cm
H57 cm38-40 cm
Weight40 kg. Volume370 liters
Product nr.: 69000400
Priceincl. tax

Dostępne kolory

Uwaga: Wybór koloru i ilości może mieć wpływ na cenę

F00 Beige NCS: S1510-Y10R RGB: 228, 218, 184
F01 IBE Beige NCS: S3010-Y10R RGB: 190, 178, 149
F10 White NCS: S1002-B50G RGB: 227, 237, 234
F19 Light Grey NCS: S1502-Y50R RGB: 223, 221, 213
F20 Yellow NCS: S1060-G90Y RGB: 233, 206, 74
F25 Light Yellow NCS: S1040-G90Y RGB: 236, 221, 125
F30 Red NCS: S1080-R RGB: 179, 58, 65
F36 IBE Red NCS: S2060-Y80R RGB: 192, 98, 81
F35 Orange NCS: S1080-Y70R RGB: 213, 91, 53
F40 Green NCS: S2050-G RGB: 96, 178, 130
F42 Sea Green NCS: S2030-B50G RGB: 132, 192, 188
F43 Dark Green NCS: S5030-B90G RGB: 69, 118, 101
F50 Sea Blue NCS: S3050-B RGB: 48, 134, 171
F53 Purple NCS: S2020-R60B RGB: 180, 186, 212
F56 Blue NCS: S1550-R80B RGB: 113, 168, 225
F59 Dark Blue NCS: S2060-R80B RGB: 75, 136, 207
F60 Gray NCS: S3502-B RGB: 163, 172, 172
F61 Dark Gray NCS: S6005-B20G RGB: 106, 118, 119
F70 Light Brown NCS: S5020-Y60R RGB: 146, 112, 92
F71 Brown NCS: S4050-Y90R RGB: 131, 68, 63
F99 Black NCS: S8005-R80B RGB: 65, 73, 78