Takeback service of used Sæplast PE containers
The recycling is restricted to Sæplast PE containers that:
- Are empty, all residues that can be removed by the emptier have been removed using the practices commonly employed to remove residues such as pouring, pumping, suctioning, shaking, scraping, chipping, etc. or, if necessary, a combination of these.
- Are free from external product adhesion
- Are suitable for transport.
- Are marked with the month and year of manufacture.
Excluded for recycling are Sæplast containers that:
- Show signs of deterioration, e.g. by the effect of UV radiation causing degradation.
- Are damaged, making it dangerous for handling and shipping.
- Are more than 20 years old.
- Have Polyurethane (PUR) insulation
When you fail to comply with the set conditions or restrictions, any additional costs incurred by our company will be automatically invoiced to you. (Examples of these costs are: transport cost, additional cleaning costs, dismantling and or handling costs and adminstration costs etc.).