Lid SÆPLAST 1400

Lid SÆPLAST 1400 Lid SÆPLAST 1400

Optimal for temperature retention

Optimal for durability and strength

Outer DimensionsInner Dimensions
Weight30 kg. Volume liters
Product nr.: 6911400
Priceincl. tax

Available Colors

Disclaimer: Container prices may vary based on the selected color and order quantity

F00 Beige NCS: S1510-Y10R RGB: 228, 218, 184
F01 IBE Beige NCS: S3010-Y10R RGB: 190, 178, 149
F10 White NCS: S1002-B50G RGB: 227, 237, 234
F19 Light Grey NCS: S1502-Y50R RGB: 223, 221, 213
F20 Yellow NCS: S1060-G90Y RGB: 233, 206, 74
F25 Light Yellow NCS: S1040-G90Y RGB: 236, 221, 125
F30 Red NCS: S1080-R RGB: 179, 58, 65
F36 IBE Red NCS: S2060-Y80R RGB: 192, 98, 81
F35 Orange NCS: S1080-Y70R RGB: 213, 91, 53
F40 Green NCS: S2050-G RGB: 96, 178, 130
F42 Sea Green NCS: S2030-B50G RGB: 132, 192, 188
F43 Dark Green NCS: S5030-B90G RGB: 69, 118, 101
F50 Sea Blue NCS: S3050-B RGB: 48, 134, 171
F53 Purple NCS: S2020-R60B RGB: 180, 186, 212
F56 Blue NCS: S1550-R80B RGB: 113, 168, 225
F59 Dark Blue NCS: S2060-R80B RGB: 75, 136, 207
F60 Gray NCS: S3502-B RGB: 163, 172, 172
F61 Dark Gray NCS: S6005-B20G RGB: 106, 118, 119
F70 Light Brown NCS: S5020-Y60R RGB: 146, 112, 92
F71 Brown NCS: S4050-Y90R RGB: 131, 68, 63
F99 Black NCS: S8005-R80B RGB: 65, 73, 78

Product Description

The SÆPLAST 1400 lid is the best choice to protect your valuable products from dirt and in the case of seafood will ensure the best cooling performance to optimise quality.